Oxana Turskaya presented izi.TRAVEL, an online plattform for storytelling and audio/multimedia guides. It is free to use by attractions and by visitors. izi.TRAVEL is an associated partner of the project BalticMuseums: LoveIT! The izi team shares its experience with our project group in regard to best practices. Their idea is that museums focus on producing high quality content (which takes a lot of ressources), while others take care of the technology. In Oxana’s presentation, held at our project meeting in June 2018, both an explanation of their system can be found and some best practice examples.
izi_TRAVEL:_OxanaTurskaya Presentation June 2018 Gdansk
Oxana Turskaya
Project manager izi.TRAVEL
Oxana: “izi.TRAVEL is the free professional tool to create mobile multimedia guides. There’s no special hardware, programming or technical knowledge required. That’s why thousands of museums, galleries, cities and attractions use the platform to tell their stories. izi.TRAVEL – is global, open and free.“