On 20 July 2020 prof Jakub Swacha, head of the BalticMuseums: LoveIT! project, explained the project outputs in an online session. He demonstrates the web-app system developed in the project and the b...
Video: How to enhance exhibition with gamified app
René L. Vilsholm from NaturBornholm (Denmark) explains why and how he adds digital elements to NaturBornholm’s exhibition, using the gamification app system developed in the project BalticMuseu...
Gamification Concepts relevant for the Tourist Attraction Gamification Service
This document gives an overview of gamification concepts for Apps/Webapps in museums. This document defines the set of concepts to be included in the Tourist Attraction Gamification Service delivered ...
Lessons Learned Lights on Project – Gamification I BalticMuseums Xchange 2018-04-03
Nina Luostarinen, lecturer at Humak University of Applied Sciences in Finland, shares the experiences in the Lights on! project with developing gamified apps for visitors of cultural heritage sites in...